Tuesday, November 11, 2008

>>>> After I spied on Successful Bloggers for a while, See what I have to say about it!

Spying on the Successful Bloggers will get you somewhere, I guarantee!

I have done some spying research to see what those so called successful bloggers were doing to get these huge numbers of readers to their website, and as I was expecting the blogging business depend on humans more than bots (unlike my usual marketing). This dependency on humans has its own set of tools and techniques to get in the top.

Some of things to point out were:

1. They provide good Content: What does that mean? Does it mean you have to spend 5 hours to finish out your post before you publish it? Noooooooo Good content are the content that the public want in that very moment of your post, If you can write an informative brief and meaningful post its good content and will bring you traffic just like those people out there do! And I suggest using tools like Google Trends and Google insights for Search that will tell you about the mood of people today.

2. They are simple, and honest: We all know that being yourself will make you more sales in this industry, The thing I want to add here is you need to give some value, and convince people that the human being on the back end of this blog is willing to help and is a Nice Guy, you might make some sales by being yourself but by Being a Nice Guy with your visitors you will dominate. So I suggest you answer comments, add visitors in mybloglog … add visitors in twitter…

3. They Post regularly: I was studding this guys blog his name is Timothy Sykes he has made $45000 in July 2008, I checked his archive and I noticed that he posts up to 3 times in a single day, he has got about 1057 readers according to his Feedburner widget.

4. They read a lot: in order to find good topics for your posts you will need to be in touch with the news of your niche, am not saying to go copy and paste the same content you have to write the post in your own way and in human favorable style. Try to add some humor to the subject, add info. From other sources … get creative!

5. Get Links to your blog to have SERP traffic too: This will be a bonus to you if google indexed all your posts you are getting the advantage of getting traffic from Search Engine in addition to the RSS.

6. Design is Important: A good design will make you money, and a poor one will make you starve that simple, even if you have good content.

7. Avoid Ad Blasts: Most people will hate your blog if you put many ads and little content, you have to moderate and give value.

8. Talk to people like you talk with your friends: this is important for success, instead of pretending to be a huge company and made tons of money online … blablabla of the hype. People will like your blog even if you have done some mistakes, but you’re telling the truth and being yourself. Just do it, ok.

Although I might not have covered many other important things that are important for success. I believe that nothing is perfect and knowledge always need to be accumulated and filtered frequently to get to the Truth that we all need.

Good Day.

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Eugene A. G. Internet Marketing Entrepreneur, worked and made money on the internet and believe that opportunities are limitless for every body to prosper in the Internet Marketing Business, and that's why I am sharing my information here